Thursday, December 22, 2011

You Read, I Read...We All Read for Ice Cream!

Or whatever it is that you like!

Welcome to Pretty Bookmarks, A Virtuoso Reading Circle and Lounge!  I'm so glad that you have decided to come in join me in our apparent love of books.  I love books.  I love reading.  I enjoy getting lost in the creativity and imagery of a good book.  The storytelling.

The purpose of this blog is to be a virtual book club (reading circle -- isn't that sooo 1950s??) and resource (lounge) for those looking for that next good read.  Books will be chosen across ethnic, genre, and age differences.  There will be a calendar for the year on scheduled circle readings, but at any time recommendations are encouraged to the goodness of the order.  I know that I used to be a die-hard African-American author (particularly romance) reader with the occasional John.Grisham or is it James.Patterson, who I KNOW is black in there somewhere... Moving on.  But over the past year or so, I have stumbled across some really great book blogs and authors who blog that have really pressed my boundaries.  I have come across some goooood books!

So I'm super excited about some good reading in 2012...and that you'll be doing it to.  So mosey on over to the right side there and follow the blog or "bookmark" us!

Happy Reading!

1 comment:

slsadler said...

I am über excited about this idea. I too was the ultimate bookworm, but life and television had other plans for me. I've been wanting to get back to basics and now I have the avenue.

Thank you!